Photo by Ann Pinson.

Photo by Ann Pinson.


I am a writer, critic and editor. When not writing, I serve as the News Product Manager at The Dallas Morning News. I am a believer in Narnia, the island of Myst and Oceanic flight 815.

Sometimes I tell other people to write things, or tell them that I like the thing that they already wrote, but that they could maybe write it a little bit differently. Then those things usually go on a website.

I once started to learn the bagpipes. I can still do the scale, but not much else.

I live in Texas with my wife, our son, and our rabbit, Benedict “Benny” Cumberbunny.


Twitter: @BrittonPeele

Facebook: /BrittonPeele

Instagram: @BrittonPeele

E-mail: bpeele((@)) or brittonpeele((@)), only without those weird parentheses in the middle.


SJF 2018: Best Features Digital Presence, Division 3, 2nd Place: GuideLive/The Dallas Morning News staff

SFJ 2018: Finest in Features Sweepstakes Award, Division 3, 3rd Place: The Dallas Morning News staff

Best Columnist, The Daily Toreador: 2008-2009

Best Columnist, The Daily Toreador: 2010-2011